The journal will cover studies related to gastrointestinal infections, hepatobiliary infections, and the gut microbiome. The Journal of Gastrointestinal Infections is devoted to the dissemination of new knowledge concerning the various aspects of human infections and infestations of the gastrointestinal system, pancreas, and the hepato-biliary tract. The authors can submit to any of the following sections:
1) Enteric infections
2) Clostridioides difficile
3) Gastrointestinal tuberculosis
4) Helicobacter pylori
5) Viral hepatitis and other hepatic infections
6) Biliary infections
7) Pancreatic infections
8) Endoscopy, interventions, and infections
9) Gut microbiome
10) Education in gastroenterology and hepatology
Abstracting and indexing:
EBSCO, ProQuest
Journal of Gastrointestinal Infections is a very useful journal catering to all those interested in the field of gastrointestinal infections
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