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Methods of Information in Medicine

Methods of Information in Medicine

Japan Association for Medical InformaticsDeutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie

Media Type: Journal

ISSN: 0026-1270
EISSN: 2511-705X
OA License Type: CC BY & CC BY NC-ND
Volume: 62
Issues Per Year: 6
Starting Year: 1962
Impact Factor: 1.3
Impact Factor Year: 2023
Journal type: Hybrid


Media Type:

Methods of Information in Medicine publishes international, peer-reviewed, original research articles, reviews, editorials, and letters to the editor. Founded in 1962, it is the oldest and longest running journal in its field. The focus of the journal is on methods in health informatics, including public health and consumer informatics. We welcome submissions describing novel scientific methods for structuring, integrating, analysing, storing and visualising information as well as methods for system design, implementation and evaluation.

The methods presented should address a clear clinical, public health or patient need and may be rooted in a number of different fields such as ontologies and knowledge modelling, natural language processing, statistics, design science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, multimodal data integration, standardisation, implementation science, and evaluation. Possible application areas include any areas of health informatics such as information systems and services, clinical decision support, consumer health and patient e-services, disease surveillance, and information systems infrastructures in low resource settings.

Click here to read the Editor's Editorial on the journal's focus

Submissions regarding bioinformatics, image- and signal processing, medical decision-making theory and pure epidemiologic studies will be excluded as there are other, more suitable, venues for publication of these.


Abstracting and indexing:

Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, SciSearch, Research Alert, Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Index Medicus/Medline, EMCARE, SCOPUS, CNKI Scholar, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, EBSCO, ProQuest