In the last fifty years, microsystem acupuncture has emerged as a safe and effective therapeutic option for a wide range of conditions, from cardiovascular and neurological disorders to obesity and nicotine dependence. Its worldwide acceptance is largely due to the ability of microsystem acupuncture to provide access for treatment, even in the event of extreme local sensitivity to pain.
This book is a comprehensive overview of ear, scalp, mouth, and hand acupuncture to help you understand the relationships between these microsystems and the body. Integrating new and established methods, the book covers such topics as Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean hand acupuncture, and laser acupuncture with concise text and more than 350 photographs to allow for instant localization of all zones and points. The range of techniques addressed makes this one-of-a-kind work ideal for busy students and practitioners looking for an overview of some of the most rapidly growing and innovative advances in acupuncture and complementary medicine.
1 Basic Principles of Auricular Acupuncture
Basic Principles
Zones of Auricular Innervation and Embryological Assignment According to Nogier
Zones of Auricular Innervation According to R.A. Durinjan
More Recent Investigations into Auricular Innervation
Topographic Location of the Reflex Zones on the Auricula
Projection of the Skeleton According to Nogier
Topography of Important Projection Zones According to Nogier
Topography of the Auricular Acupuncture Points According to Chinese Nomenclature
Topography of the Reflex Zones on the Auricula According to R.A. Durinjan
Anatomy of the Rear Side of the Auricula and Projection Zones
The Projection of the Spinal Column in the Region of the Auricula According to Nogier
Significance of Laterality
Rule for the Selection of Auricular Acupuncture Points
Point Searching, Pricking Technique, and Needle Material
2 Topography of Auricular Acupuncture Points According to Regions
Points on the Lobule (1–11) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points on the Lobule According to Nogier
Points on Tragus (12–19) and Supratragic Notch (20 and 21) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points on Tragus and Supratragic Notch According to Nogier
Points on the Intertragic Notch (Points 22–24) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points on the Intertragic Notch According to Nogier
Points on the Antitragus (Points 25–36) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points on the Antitragus According to Nogier
Projection Zones of the Cranial Bones and Sinuses According to Nogier
Points of the Anthelix (Points 37–45) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Projection Zones of the Spinal Column According to Nogier and Bahr
Points on the Superior and Inferior Anthelical Crura (Points 46–54) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points in the Triangular Fossa (points 55–61) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Projection Zones of the Lower Extremity According to Nogier
Points in the Region of the Superior and Inferior Anthelical Crura and in the Triangular Fossa According to Nogier
Points on the Scapha (Points 62–71) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points on the Scapha According to Nogier, Projection of the Upper Extremities
Points on the Scapha According to Nogier
Points on the Helical Rim (Points 72–78) According to Chinese Nomenclature and Nogier
Points on the Ascending Helix Branch (Points 79–83) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points in the Region of the Ascending Helix Branch (Crus of Helix) According to Nogier, External
Points in the Region of the Ascending Helix Branch (Crus of Helix) According to Nogier
Projection Zones of Internal Organs According to R.A. Durinjan
Projection Zones of Internal Organs According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points around the Helix Root (Points 84–91) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points in the Superior Concha (Points 92–99) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Points in the Inferior Concha (Points 100–104) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Projection Zones in the Concha (Internal Organs) According to Nogier
Plexus Points and Important Points in the Concha According to Nogier
Points on the Reverse Side of the Auricula (Points 105–108) According to Chinese Nomenclature
Retropoints and Projection of the Spinal Column According to Nogier
Motor Points for Musculature and Joints on the Reverse Side of the Auricula According to Nogier
Motor Points for Thorax and Abdomen on the Left and Right Ear on the Reverse Side of the Auricula According to Nogier
Superordinate Points According to Chinese Nomenclature
Energy and Treatment Lines on the Auricula According to Nogier
Auxiliary Lines in Auricular Acupuncture (B. Strittmatter)
Tutorial: Comparison of the Most Important Auricular Acupuncture Points on the Left and Right Ear
3 Treatment of Major Illnesses
Internal and Psychosomatic Diseases
Treatment of Pollinosis
Diseases of the Respiratory Tract
Cardiovascular Diseases
Diseases of the Digestive Organs
Psychosomatic Diseases
Eye Diseases
Dizziness and Tinnitus
Neurological Diseases
Migraine and Cephalgia
Gynecological Disorders
Urological Diseases
Skin Diseases
4 Diseases of the Locomotor System
Special Clinical Pictures
Cervicogenic Pain Syndrome
Afflictions of the Upper Extremities
Diseases of the Locomotor System: Spinal Column
Diseases of the Hip and the Lower Extremities
5 Addiction treatment with acupuncture
The use of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Drug-Related Diseases
Acupuncture for Nicotine Dependence, Obesity and Alcohol Dependence
6 Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture
Presentation of the Method
Subdivision of the Somatope
Localization and Indication of the Base Points
Diagnostic Somatopes
YNSA Neck Diagnosis
7 Chinese skull acupuncture
The most Important Projection Zones
8 Oral Acupuncture
Systematics of Oral Acupuncture
Projection Diagrams of the Retromolar Zones in Quadrants I–II
Projection Diagrams of the Retromolar Zones in Quadrants III–IV
Musculoskeletal System
Pain Management
9 Korean Hand Acupuncture
Localization Aids for the Palm of the Hand
Hand Acupuncture Points on the Palm of the Hand
Localization Aids for the Dorsal Surface of the Hand
Hand Acupuncture Points on the Dorsal Surface of the Hand
Basic Therapy
Corresponding Therapy
Organ Therapy: Micro-Channels—Ki-Mek Theory
10 Chinese Hand Acupuncture
Indications and Contraindications
Hand Acupuncture Points on the Dorsal Surface of the Hand
Hand Acupuncture Points on the Palm of the Hand
11 New Point-Based Pain and Organ Therapy (NPPOT)
Description of Topography
Treatment Technique
Treatment Areas of Muscular Disturbances and Vertebral Lesions
12 Laser Therapy
Use of Low-Level Laser in Fractal Microsystems
The Functional Principle of the Helium-Neon Laser
The Laser Light
Applications of Laser Acupuncture
13 Appendix
Further Reading